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Matt Maceira Be Bold Street Ministry


Executive Director

Rescued from 27 years of active addiction, Matt received freedom and victory through faith in Jesus Christ alone. Having been saved from the streets himself, Matt was sent back to share with all people the Good News of a Savior who makes His people whole. God led Matt to found Be Bold Street Ministries for this very purpose. Matt is out on the streets every day, sharing the hope of Jesus with a lost and dying world.

Terri Gregson BBSM Treasurer



I am so thankful that God has allowed me to serve as treasurer for Be Bold Street Ministry. 
As long as I can remember God has given me a heart for the downtrodden He has placed in my path. I was not raised in a Christian home but Jesus reached into my life as a young person and has been shaping and molding me through the years for just this purpose. I count it a privilege to serve alongside the BBSM team as we reach out to a lost and dying world with the only hope that can give lasting peace - Jesus!

Anna Maceira BBSM Vice President


Vice President of the Board


Our Be Bold Street Ministries team is all about sharing the one true solution to all things, Jesus. God rescued me from a life of darkness, addiction, crime, and everything that came with that game. I am in awe of His love and kindness because not only am I still alive today to tell the story, He has continued to provide a path for me to share inspiration and hope to others. Amazing! I don’t deserve His grace, but our God gifts me with this every day. It’s only through Him that I am able to love others because He loved me first. I believe that if He can change me, he can change anybody. God's word says, "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed!" - John 8:36. Wouldn't it be great if everyone could experience that kind of freedom?! I believe this is possible through Jesus. I’ve come to realize through His word and His Spirit within me, my purpose is to spread that message of hope which never disappoints. Nobody is ever too far gone for his mercy, love, and grace. May many more come to know true salvation, and may He get all of the Glory forever and ever.



President of the Board

Christ came into my life in 1992.  During a men’s Bible study group a few years ago, we discussed the challenge in James 2:15-17 where it’s written, “If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, be warmed and filled,’ without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that?  So also, faith by itself, if it does not have works is dead.” The subject of homelessness came up and I shared my struggle with having compassion for those on the streets.  I believe since that time, God gave me the ability to ask for a changed heart and He answered by starting the change process.  Soon after that study, I began mentoring men at the Union Gospel Mission.  I also have been a witness to God’s transforming grace through the lives and testimonies of Matt Maceira and Josh Lair.   Today I am humbled that these two men have asked me to be a part of this ministry.  I am hopeful that others will join us in this mighty work.  Come and see what God is doing!

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