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  • Writer's pictureBe Bold Street Ministries


Read about what our team is currently doing on the streets of our communities.

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Outreach With Corban University

Praise God! We put feet to the ground in partnership with Corban University students and staff. The Gospel was shared and many prayers were prayed with and for our neighbors. Also, a huge shout out to Jefferson Baptist Church for the hope kits that were distributed during outreach. All for God’s glory and His Kingdom! YOUR PRAYERS MATTER!

Service Updates

We are so thankful for Soaring Heights Recovery Homes! They are one of our many eternal impact partners. They have shared new jackets that will go straight to the folks who need them the most throughout our city.

Our dear brother James was provided an awesome opportunity to share with a group of Pastors at Jefferson Baptist Church. JBC is one of our eternal impact partners.

We are super thankful for our time puttin feet to the byways with Ed Diehl, Danielle Bethell, Julie Hoy, Deanna Gwyn, Matt Lawyer and Kevin Dahlgren.

We are reaching out in partnership with Teen and Adult Challenge, Calvary Chapel, ROCC, Ideal Option, and BeBold Street Ministries. We put feet to the street within our city, as well as the homeless camps across mid-town, Cascades Gateway, and Wallace Marine parks. The Gospel was shared, prayers were prayed, and many neighbors were connected with much needed services.

Amazing opportunities as we give, share, pray, and plant some good seed in hearts prepared and divinely arranged to receive Hope and Truth!

"And others (seeds) fell on the good soil and yielded a crop, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty." Matthew 13:8 (NASB)

Justin's Baptism

Praise God! This is our dear brother Justin and I’ve been blessed to walk a bunch of figurative and literal roads with him. I was able to see him come to faith in Christ when I shared the gospel and asked if he believed and he said yes. Since then Justin has been actively engaged in discipleship. This last Sunday I was blessed to baptize our brother. So thankful for our friendship and brotherhood in Christ. Justin is also getting ready to graduate the NLF program at the UGM of Salem. All For God’s glory and His Kingdom! YOUR PRAYERS MATTER!


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