Read about what our team is currently doing on the streets of our communities.
Serving in Oregon
It is a blessing beyond measure to serve side by side with our dear brother, Mike Silva. Please keep us all in your prayers! God is doing amazing things!
We’re so thankful for our long-standing partnership with Big 5 Sporting Goods! They are such a huge blessing to us and our community!
We had to opportunity to share a Word of encouragement to the NLF graduates and all the attendees! Our dear brother Justin and 4 more folks graduated the NLF program at the UGM in Salem, OR.
We got to present at the Deschutes County Crisis Intervention Training. We truly share with all people groups, not just the homeless. We share with government agencies and law enforcement agencies daily. God has called us to GO therefore to ALL nations! People forget that at times. God truly does use those who are willing.
While doing street outreach in Portland and we were able to get a lady off the street and into housing! God is so good.
Huge shout out to our eternal impact partners for serving with us: Ideal Options, Jefferson Baptist Church, Kindness Closet, Salem Heights Church, Calvary Chapel, and Corban University! Together we are hitting the highways and byways to share the Good News.
All for God’s glory and His Kingdom! YOUR PRAYERS MATTER!